Thursday, May 20, 2010

A loophole? Or just plain wrong?

I find myself faced with a dilemma on this beautiful Thursday morning when all my Sacred Studies classes have been cancelled for Spring Musical practice (which is amazing!). I was approached by one of the parents from the Day School today, who handed me a bag of small gifts as part of teacher appreciation week. There were three small soap bars, each a different fragrance, and then another small bag with some things in it that I couldn't see. I have just opened the bag, and there's a gift certificate for The Country Bookshop, which I have blogged about before. It's for $15, just enough to buy myself a nice new paperback book, soft floppy pages and all.

I realize now, of course, that we did not build any rules about gift cards into our Stuff Stand-off. We have rules about accepting gifts - that being that we get rid of something in our house as an exchange. I just ran out of soap the other day, and toiletries haven't really been part of the Stand-off, so I feel like I'm okay there. But the gift card compels me to go to the store and purchase a thing that I would then bring into my home. Does it qualify as a gift? Or am I just looking for a good reason to go into my favorite store in town and buy myself something nice and new for the first time in almost five months?

I suppose I can contact the store and find out what their expiration date is on a gift card. But honestly, the likelihood of my remembering that I even have the thing tucked into my desk someplace is slim to none. Or I guess I could give the card to someone else and let them use it instead of me. But I have worked pretty hard with the kids this year, and am certainly not opposed to a little appreciation at the end of a long year. ::BIG SIGH:: I don't know what to do. But I'm open to suggestion... help?


  1. I tried to comment last week but it didn't go up! Anyway, I think you should check on the expiration and then, if you can, wait to spend it until January. Sorry...I just think the whole experience defeats the purpose of one of your main reasons for taking part. That's my two cents!! Love and miss you.

  2. Yeah, you're right... I'll let it sit on my desk for six months. Sorry this blog is so temperamental about taking comments!

  3. Agree about waiting until January. Now that you've written about it here, you're less likely to forget anyway!
