Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alleluia! The pants have risen!

This post is proof that magical things can happen in your closet if you just leave your clothes in there for long enough.

Allow me to explain. When I first started my job here, I went shopping for some clothes that I could wear for work (I was, of course, happy to have an excuse to shop). I bought three of four pairs of pants from New York & Co., which admittedly is not well-known for its finely made and durable clothing. The pants worked out fine for my first year, and a little bit into my second, but last spring when I would try to put those pants on I found that they just weren't working for me anymore. They were a little too short - one of my least favorite qualities in an article of clothing. I'm not sure what the reason for the shrinking was. I think, perhaps, I might have gotten larger, and not the pants smaller, but I'd much rather think that something just went wrong in the laundry process. Or perhaps I'd just gotten taller, and not wider.

Nevertheless, it seemed that it was time to get rid of some of these pairs of pants that are just taking up space in my closet, taunting me. A couple of weeks ago I reached for the pants to give them away in a donation drive that I was doing at the school, but I just couldn't bring myself to part with them yet. I thought maybe, just maybe, they could be the pants I had enjoyed one again.

This morning, feeling a little desperate and out of clean laundry, (ok, it's clean, I just haven't put any of it away) I reached for a pair of the pants, thinking maybe, somehow, they would fit properly.

AND THEY DID!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know how to explain this miracle. Perhaps my pants intuitively knew that this is a season of resurrection, and they felt inspired. Perhaps my width has diminished just enough that they have an extra half an inch at the end. Perhaps I finally have the perfect pair of flats that leave the pants fitting just right. Whatever the reason, it felt amazing pulling them on and having them button with no problem and then reach just the perfect part of my ankle. It was a glorious moment on an otherwise unremarkable morning.

Probably this won't help my general outlook on clothing. Chances are now I will just leave clothing that no longer fits in the closet for years at a time hoping for another magic day when a different shirt or pair of pants decides to resurrect itself. Maybe I should try on old small clothing only during the Easter season. Either way, for a girl who can't buy herself any new pants right now, this was a very good day indeed.


  1. I fondly remember that shopping trip. Do you remember, that's before we realized the far superiority of South Point?! We went to Fayettville! Yikes! That is truly an Easter miracle, but does not help with my efforts to unload clothing that's too small/I don't wear.

  2. It's hard to believe, actually, that we went to Fayetteville EVER for clothing instead of to Southpoint. We were so young an naive...

    I'm wearing another pair of resurrected pants today though, and I gotta say - it's pretty awesome!
