Sunday, February 14, 2010

Costa Rican Stuff

Well this particular entry is being written from Costa Rica, where I'm traveling with a group from church for a mission trip. I'm extremely happy to be here, but have discovered that not only does Costa Rica have stuff, it has stuff I really want to buy!

But let me backtrack first and tell you about a stuff run-in I had on Thursday in downtown Southern Pines. On my way to get lunch at That's-a-Deli, I saw my friend Carolyn's car parked outside. Thinking she might have gone into RiverJacks (Southern Pines' great outdoor gear shop - my favorite!) for some supplies for our trip, I went in looking for her. I didn't find her, but I did find another friend who was there looking for supplies for a separate Costa Rica trip. Yelling to her I moved towards where she was, and it took a couple of seconds for the reality of the situation to sneak up on me - I was in the shoe department!!!! This is the worst possible place to be if you can't buy anything, because they have the finest shoes around. Cringing, I ran my hands over the leather and laces, pining after the sporty shoes, the work shoes, the North Face shoes... all of which I could have justified purchasing. But before I could get into any trouble I pulled my hand back quickly as if on a hot stove, said goodbye to Nancy, and moved next door to the deli. And I looked at that Cuban sandwich longingly like I could will it into being a shoe.

I survived though, and the next day left for the Rica. But there is SO much great stuff here - and we haven't even gotten to the souvenir-buying part of the trip! Wouldn't Jonathan love a t-shirt from this cool university where we stay? Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring back some beautiful beaded necklace to remind me of this particular mission trip? Shouldn't I do my part, as a tourist, to support the local economy? I confess - I'm a little more challenged than I thought I would be.

But I will stay strong. And instead of shopping, I'll write in my journal. Perhaps then, a few years from now, if I want some token or reminder from this trip, I can just read about it, close my eyes, and remember what it felt like to be here. I'm thinking that will be the greatest gift I can give myself while I'm here. Even if the trip would have seemed better if I had been wearing new shoes...

Adios Amigos!

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