Monday, January 11, 2010

On second thought....

Not a huge surprise our first real day of the Stuff Stand-off provided some opportunities for us to see the need for new/extended rules and a change of our mindset from yesterday. So here are some amendments to what I wrote yesterday:

First, I take back what I said about following this blog or pretending to do so. Upon further thought, I realized (as did Jonathan) that an effort to make this blog something lots of folks would be interested in following goes against my own logic around my recent decision to break up with facebook. I had to step back from the constant interaction with people from various parts of my life, and I couldn't be rushing to the computer ten times a day to see if anyone had commented on my wall. The same must be true for this blog, as I am not looking to substitute on-line addictions. So, just so that it's out there, this blog will continue to exist, but don't feel the need to follow or comment. My family and some close friends will know about it, but I will do nothing to advertise it's existence, and I'm okay with that.

Second, not surprisingly, my first attempt at shopping following my own rules proved to be complex. I am one of three hosts of a baby shower this weekend, and I am the party responsible for the favors, which required some purchases. Falls under the gift rule, right? Maybe. The thing is, there will be leftovers from these purchases, which cannot be given away at the shower, and those leftovers will end up in my home. I stood in Staples trying to reconcile this issue and simply not sure how to solve it, as I had already committed myself to this particular favor long before I committed myself to the Stuff Stand-off 2010. Needing to get a move on, I decided that I would make my purchase, and in exchange for bringing one more thing into my house, I would take something out - akin to the rule about being out of control of someone else giving us an item. I know it's a stretch, I won't lie. Needless to say from here on out I'll be pretty cautious of what I can commit to as far as party favors are concerned. Consider this a lesson well-learned.

I will say though, that I went into Target today and came out with only a gift for my friend and nothing for me. So already - the times, they are a-chagin'...

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