Friday, September 17, 2010

I want to go shopping.

Before I get into that, I should probably acknowledge the fact that I'm the world's worst blogger. I mean, I only took on this endeavor for one year - you would think I could keep up with a blog for that time! Given that it has been almost three whole months since my last entry however, it appears this is something that does not come naturally to me.

Well, neither does not shopping. This Stand-off was a cute idea and everything, but it's getting old.

Maybe it's the breach in the Stand-off that has me itching for it to be over. Yes, there was a breach. We were traveling to New Jersey for a wedding, and we stopped in DC to stay with friends there on our way up. We brought our dress clothes in from the car while we spent the night, and I said to my friend on several occasions, "I cannot forget these clothes here, because we can't go shopping if I do!" The next morning I was careful to grab the dry cleaning bag of dress clothes and we headed north to Jersey. We were two hours into our drive when my friend called. "Um, Meaghan..." she said, "your dress is still in my closet."

I thought she was kidding with me, to be honest. I had been so careful, after all, to grab the dress clothes before we left. But I had taken the dress out of the bag to show it to her, and after doing that I had returned it to a different rack of her walk-in closet. ACK!

So we're a few hours from New Jersey, and a few and a half hours from wedding time and I have nothing to wear. We pulled out my iphone (which I am using again - that story is another blog entry I missed over the last few months) and google-mapped a mall. Finding one along our current route, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to have to buy something. Jonathan pulled the car up to an Ann Taylor, I ran in and tried on a few dresses, and then 10 minutes later ran out wearing my new black dress and jumped in the car for the last hour of the drive.

We had a great time at the wedding, and the dress was just right for the occasion. But we did feel badly that in a matter of moments we had to abandon our Stand-off for one night in New Jersey.

Here's the funny thing about the dress though. When my sister Kate was visiting a couple of weeks ago, I let her take the dress in case she wanted to wear it to a wedding she was going to. She didn't end up wearing it, and two weeks ago she sent it to me in the mail from Massachussetts. I have still seen no sign of this dress. We're far past the 5-7 day delivery promise of the United States Postal Service. It's like the dress just disappeared into space. As if somehow, the universe knew that I wasn't meant to have that dress. That in a year of no shopping there shouldn't be a pretty black Ann Taylor dress that still smells a little bit new hanging in my closet. Well damn the universe - I want my dress! (that's the dress right there)

At any rate, that purchase was a month ago and I'm jonesing for more. Jonathan and I find ourselves looking at the calendar, hoping that we can just wish the days away between now and January. We have home improvement to do, and shoes to buy. I have several pairs of pants that are starting to look battered and worn. Today when we pulled into downtown I looked at a store advertising 75% off all summer shoes and I turned to Jonathan and said, "Let's just give up and go shopping."

We didn't give up though. We went to a wedding instead. A wedding that I did not wear my new black dress to. I just hope whoever has my dress is enjoying it. It has only been worn one time!

We'll stick with this until January, and maybe we'll go through another patch where both the blogging and the Stand-off come a little bit easier. But for now, I'll be dreaming of new shoes...